If you have a lead page, you may have a problem

Data analysis
Feb 16, 2021

This article was written for anyone who is working with lead pages, so, if you have a form on your website you should definitely read on.


What problem do you have to deal with?

You invest money in marketing activities, but you don’t know what the exact result is in sales and profit!
Think of it. Can you tell me how many sales did you have from Google Ads source? Hmmm?

What is the actual problem?

Because you can’t analyse the full sales path, you can’t optimise your marketing based on sales and revenue, and you probably lose a lot of time trying to get the information you need.

Why is it like that?

Because users fill in your form online, on your website, but the real sale happens offline, on the call, during the meeting, etc. So, in your reports, you need to check how many users finish the form from particular sources:


But what about leads status? And costs, and revenue? All you can expect from your reports are question marks:


Wait a minute - of course, you can ask your call centre, the analysts, or a marketing specialist about it, but I imagine that will take a lot of time for them to get that information for you.

What you really need is a full report like this:


How would it help you?

What can I say, … a lot:

  1. You have one report as a source of truth. You have immediate access to your data, not previously available.

  1. You can decide where to invest money based on your revenue and profit.

  1. You can find any bottlenecks in the sale process: online and offline, e.g.:


  1. You can optimise your Google Ads campaigns easily, knowing exactly which
    keywords lead to a sale, e.g.:


  1. You can analyse attribution on your offline data, e.g.:


I hope you can begin to imagine the profits resulting from having these reports. But if you need more proof, have a read of our two case studies with Orange - the biggest telecom
provider in Poland:

Case Study #1 -How to build an analytical culture & increase sales

Case Study #2 -

Finally, heading towards the end for today - how do you achieve this? Is it
expensive? How many different resources do I need to get it?

Normally, it might be a difficult, rather large project for you and your company.
But there is WitCloud. With the help of WitCloud, you can achieve all this using the least amount of resources, time, and costs possible.

If you are interested and would you like to know more, you can read a slightly
more technical article containing lots more details, or just create your account and contact

How to set up form tracking on your website

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