# Channel Attribution

This module is no longer supported

Quick Set
  • CHOOSE: "Process" ➡️ "Add new process" ➡️ "Channel Attribution"
  • DEFINE A CONVERSION MAP: What dimensions and metrics are to prove the achievement of the goal?
  • SPECIFY PARAMETERS: For Position Based Model percentages of first, middle and last sources and steps on the conversion path for the Funnel Based Model
  • INCLUDE the configured module in the Workflow schedule and start them.
    🎉 READY give yourself a high-five 🎉

# Introduction

Channel attribution allows you to determine the effectiveness of advertising activities of individual campaigns and the share of individual sources and media in conversion, which allows you to manage your budget more effectively. The WitCloud platform allows you to determine attributions using both simple models available, for example, in Google Analytics (first click, last click, linear), as well as advanced models that allow you to more accurately estimate the impact of a given source or campaign on the final marketing effect (position based, funnel attribution, Markow attribution model).

# An example of operation

  1. You collect data through the GA module.
  2. You choose the conversion you want to attribute on - online or offline.
  3. You run the attribution module in the schedule.
  4. You configure predefined reports.
  5. You analyze online or offline conversions through the prism of different attribution models.

# Configuration

# Before you start

Prepare modules:

Have you already processed your sessions?

For the module to work, you must have pre-processed sessions in WitCloud.

# Start creating the module

To create a channel attribution, select the Process tab from the left-hand menu, then click the Add new process button.

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Then select the option Channel Attribution.

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# Initial settings

In the first step, we give the name, the table from which we take the information, define the definition of the conversion and choose the time period for determining the attribution.

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# Conversion Map

As a conversion, we can choose an event defined as:

After selecting the type, you can select a more detailed option from the drop-down menu depending on the previously defined dimensions (at the process configuration stage). For the conditions determining the conversion, we also define from which dimension the conversion value will come from, and what metrics will constitute its value (e.g. for the Transaction dimension, these may be the values ​​of Total Transaction Revenue or Product Revenue metrics).

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After using the Conversion Value switch, you can enter math operations on the conversion values. In the case of financial value, for example, you can convert the net value to the gross value or vice versa.
In the field Look back windows, select the time ranges for which the system is to check conversion attribution - treat the customer's interaction with a given source as the beginning of the shopping journey. You can choose the last 7, 14, 30, 60 and 90 days.

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# Model selection

In the next step, we receive information about the attribution calculated by default in the models:

  • First Touch Model (assigning the entire conversion value to the first source),

  • Last Touch Model (assigns the entire conversion value to the last source),

  • Linear Model (dividing the conversion value evenly between the sources participating in the conversion path),

  • Position Based Model (dividing the conversion value between the sources participating in the conversion path depending on their order). The percentage of the individual steps can be defined manually.

Additionally, it is possible to choose a more advanced model, e.g. Funnel Based Model, which divides the conversion value into individual sessions depending on their assessment (significance) on the conversion path. It must be manually enabled.
After clicking the "Next" button, we go to the model settings.

channel attrib model

# Model setting

In the model settings options for the Position Based Model, we can divide the conversion value as a percentage between the first, last and middle (all between the first and last) traffic sources. Default values ​​assign equal share, 40% each to the extreme sources, the remaining 20% ​​evenly distributing between the middle sources.

channel attrib model

The setting options for the Funnel Based Model allow you to select the steps to be considered in judging the session quality. After selecting the steps, a funnel is visualized indicating the number of sessions meeting certain conditions.

channel attrib model

After clicking the Finish button, the defined attribution model will be saved.

And what next?

Data on attribution can be used, for example, to create a report or exported to the advertising system Google Ads (opens new window)

# Setting the module in the schedule

Remember about the schedule !!

Please note that the configured Channel Attribution process must be included in the Workflow configuration for it to be recalculated.

Last updated: 2023-06-20T16:11:25.000Z