# Google Ads Export and Upload offline data to Google Ads

This module is no longer supported

Quick Set
  • CREATE: Offline conversions in Google Ads.
  • CHOOSE: "Process" ➡️ "Add new process" ➡️ "Google Ads Export".
  • CHOOSE: Specify the name, time zone and source table.
  • CHOOSE: Google Ads account and configure the conversion by selecting an option from the list.
  • CONFIGURE: Import offline conversions from a file in Google Ads
  • INCLUDE the configured module in the Workflow schedule and start them.
  • 🎉 READY give yourself a high-five 🎉

# Introduction

The module allows you to enrich the data in Google Ads with offline transactions.

# An example of operation

  1. The customer leaves a lead on the website (e.g. phone number)
  2. Helpline calls him back, sells the product to him and records it in the CRM system
  3. You get information from which medium source the conversion was made
  4. You upload offline conversions to Google Ads and set up automatic bidding

# Configuration

# Before you start

Creating a conversion in Google Ads

  1. Create offline conversions in the panel

In order to properly count offline conversions, you will need to create offline conversions in the Google Ads panel. The place where this can be done can be found in the "Conversions" tab in the tools and settings (upper right menu menu). The conversion can be one or more. The number of conversions depends on how the individual stages of leads in the customer's CRM are segmented.

To create a new conversion, in the conversions tab, press the plus button and select the "import" section. Then select track conversions on click in other data sources or CRM. We click next and go to the next menu.

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  1. Offline conversion setting

Each conversion responsible for counting offline data should be properly configured according to the example below, except for conversions to which a value is assigned. Final conversion settings will be shown below.

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  1. Category - you can choose any one, but it better corresponds to the actual state of conversion

  2. Conversion name - any name, but you must remember the name to be able to combine it in Witcloud,

Name of the conversion

For everything to work properly, the name of the conversion must be IDENTICAL as the name from the data from Witcloud, without it it will not be possible to properly connect the data

  1. Conversion value:

    1.Non-value conversions - select "Don't use value for this conversion action"

    1. Conversions with an assigned value - select "Apply a different value to each conversion"

Conversion value

Some conversions are just the next step on the path so you don't need to assign a value to them. ** Value should only be assigned for final sale. **

  1. Number - select "Each"

  2. Conversion Window - 90 days

  3. Include in conversions - select the "NO" option in order not to disturb the Google Ads algorithms

  4. Attribution Model - when setting this section, expand the menu and select "use an external attribution model"

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If everything has been done correctly, we can move on to the second part

# Start creating the module

# Initial settings

  1. Linking WitCloud and Google Ads accounts

The next step in linking offline conversions is creating a process in Witcloud. To create a new process, you need to log in to the tool, select the client, go to the PROCESS tab and then press Add new Data Process

After the process selection menu appears, select GOOGLE ADS EXPORT

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After going to the next part, we set the name, time zone and the choice of data stream from Google Analytics from which we will collect information.


Remember! The time should match the time zone that is set on your account

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If everything is done correctly, you will need to authorize yourself on your Google account and select the appropriate Google Ads account.

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# Import conversion to Witcloud

After correct authorization, new options will appear. This is a conversion import from Google Ads to Witcloud. In the "Select Conversion Name" field, after expanding the selection box, select the previously created conversions in Google Ads (the created conversions are automatically entered into the tool).


The conversions previously created in Google Ads should correspond to the actual state and the stages of the conversion path in CRM as well as those created in WitCloud. You can create any number of conversions.

  1. Selecting the trigger - In the next field "Conversion Trigger Type", after expanding, select the CRM Metric option and in Conversion Trigger select the type of conversion in CRM that actually corresponds to a given action.

  2. Value Selection - As you already know, some conversions do not need to be assigned a value as they are only a single step in the path. Therefore, in the "Conversion Value Type" field, select the CRM Metric option again, and in the "Conversion Value" field, select the option assigned to a given conversion (in the case of indirect conversions, the value will most likely have no value or the value will be 1)

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  1. Conversion with value (final sale) - Unlike the previous conversion types, in this case a value should be assigned because in this case we are dealing with the actual generated revenue. Therefore, in the "Conversion Value" field, we must select the option that assigns a given value in our CRM. The rest of the fields are the same as in conversions with no value.

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If everything went correctly, click the Create process button and go to the next stage.

# Generating a file with conversions

After creating the conversion, all we had to do was place the generated file in Google Ads and set up a data transfer schedule so that we have fresh data available all the time and that the process is fully automated. In the next step, copy the generated file from the field in which it was generated, click the "Finish" button and go to the Google Ads panel.

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# Uploading the file to Google Ads

After logging in to the Google Ads Panel again. Go to the conversion settings, as was done in the case of creating them at the beginning of the guide, and click the Uploaded files tab, then "Schedules" in the top selection menu, and finally click the plus icon to add a schedule.

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In the next part, we select the HTTPS source, paste our link that we have just generated and choose the appropriate frequency of uploading offline data to the system and the time for us.

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Click Save and preview and offline conversions should be signed at the time set by us. If there are any errors during data upload, the system should inform us about it. We can edit or suspend the data transfer at will.

After collecting the data, we can start the full analysis and enjoy the increases.

# Setting the module in the schedule

Remember about the schedule !!

Please note that the configured data import process must be included in the Workflow configuration for it to be recalculated.

Last updated: 2023-06-20T16:11:25.000Z