# RFM report

# Introduction

If you run a sales-based business, this report is for you! This allows you to analyse the behaviour of your customers. You will see how much time has passed since the last purchase, how many times the recipient has made purchases and how much money they have left in your shop.

# What opportunities does this report offer you?

  • Get to know groups of customers who spend on purchases
  • You will find out how often a certain user has made purchases from you
  • Find out which channel brings the most profits and find out where the advertising budget is best invested
  • Transfer information about your customers to the advertising panel and improve the effectiveness of your ads
  • Increase your e-commerce sales
  • Check the effectiveness of your previous marketing activities
  • A report with all the dates for the morning coffee
  • Time savings due to automatic processes
  • Transparent form of data presentation
  • The ability to share with other colleagues in the organization
  • Adding your own calculation fields
  • You’ll see what you lose and what you gain

# What do you find in this report?

  • Answers to important questions tailored to your company
  • Useful business indicators include LTV and RFM
  • Information on the current and historical performance of the company
  • Information about user behaviour in different marketing channels
  • Information on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns

Below you can see what your report might look like!
The report consists of three steps that allow you to analyze your recipient lists and export them to, for example, Facebook Ads or Google Ads. For a better understanding of the report, we have published a short documentation on the last page. A preview of the visualization of the 3 steps.

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To make it even easier for you to understand what options you have using our report and what you can find in it, we have prepared a detailed instruction manual with you in mind:
Demo Report (opens new window), which will allow you to test our report against the data you are interested in at a time you specify.
Blog link (opens new window) here you will find a detailed description of the report with examples and instructions on how to calculate the indicators of interest to you.

# List of necessary modules to create a report

Necessary to create a report:

  1. List of calculated fields configured in the Data Studio template
Expand to see the data schema
name type dataStudio/description
data_source_type STRING Type of data source e.g Ecommerce, Ad systems, User behaviour
data_source_subtype STRING Second type of data source e.g Magento, Analytics, Facebook, Tradedoubler
data_source_name STRING Name of your WitCloud resource
customer_id STRING Email hash
customer_email STRING Customer email adress
acquisition_date STRING Date of user acquisition
orders INTEGER Number of orders user made
first_order_revenue_incl_tax FLOAT First order revenue incl tax
next_orders_revenue_incl_tax FLOAT Next orders revenue incl tax
clv_include_tax FLOAT Client livetime value include tax
is_clv_include_tax_above_average STRING Information is users CLV is above average
clv_exclude_tax FLOAT Client livetime value exclude tax
aov FLOAT Average value of order
avg_days_between_orders FLOAT Average days between ordes
order_city STRING The city to which the order was sent
order_country STRING The country to which the order was sent
last_order_date STRING Last order date
days_since_last_transactions INTEGER Days since last transaction
rfm_segment_combination STRING RFM segment combination
recency INTEGER Recency score of users orders
frequency INTEGER Frequency score of users orders
monetary INTEGER Financial score of users orders
rfm_segment_name STRING RFM segment name
rfm_segment_description STRING RFM segment description
products_array_totals STRING Products client bought
products_array_first_orders STRING Products client bought in first order
products_array_next_orders STRING Products client bought in other then first orders
rfm_segment_combination_6m STRING RFM segment combination 6 months ago
recency_6m INTEGER Recency score of users orders 6 months ago
frequency_6m INTEGER Frequency score of users orders 6 months ago
monetary_6m INTEGER Financial score of users orders 6 months ago
rfm_segment_name_6m STRING RFM segment name 6 months ago
rfm_segment_description_6m STRING RFM segment description 6 months ago
currency STRING currency
acquisition_order_id STRING Acquisition Order Id
products_array_first_orders_name STRING First Orders Products Name
products_array_first_orders_category_ids STRING First Orders Products Category Ids
products_array_first_orders_manufacturer STRING First Orders Products Manufacturer
products_array_next_orders_name STRING Next Orders Products Name
products_array_next_orders_category_ids STRING Next Orders Products Category Ids
products_array_next_orders_manufacturer STRING Next Orders Products Manufacturer
products_array_total_orders_name STRING Total Orders Products Name
products_array_total_orders_category_ids STRING Total Orders Products Category Ids
products_array_total_orders_manufacturer STRING Total Orders Products Manufacturer
  1. List of calculated fields configured in the Data Studio template
Expand for the data schema
CLV - Chart CLV - Chart NUMBER CEIL(clv_exclude_tax/1000)*1000 Field of work
Frequency - desc. Frequency - desc. TEXT case when frequency = 5 then "High frequency - placed many orders" when frequency = 4 or frequency = 3 or frequency = 2 then "Medium frequency - placed medium ammount of orders" when frequency = 1 then "Low frequency - placed few orders" END Descriptive frequency valuei
Frequency Change Frequency Change TEXT case when frequency > frequency_6m then "Increasing" when frequency = frequency_6m then "Constant" when frequency < frequency_6m then "Decreasing" when frequency_6m is null then "New Customers" END Frequency change in a defined time
Monetary - desc. Monetary - desc. TEXT case when monetary = 5 then "High Monetary - spend a lot of money" when monetary = 4 or monetary = 3 or monetary = 2 then "Medium Monetary - spend medium ammount of money" when monetary = 1 then "Low Monetary - spend least money" END Descriptive value of user outputs
Monetary Change Monetary Change TEXT case when monetary > monetary_6m then "Increasing" when monetary = monetary_6m then "Constant" when monetary < monetary_6m then "Decreasing" when monetary_6m is null then "New Customer" END Change the value of your expenses over a certain period of time
Recency - desc. Recency - desc. TEXT case when recency = 5 then "High Recency - bought recently" when recency = 4 or recency = 3 or recency = 2 then "Medium Recency - bought in medium time range" when recency = 1 then "Low Recency - bought long time ago" END Time since last purchase
Recency Change Recency Change TEXT case when recency>recency_6m then "Increasing" when recency=recency_6m then "Constant" when recency<recency_6m then "Decreasing" when recency_6m is null then "New Customer" END Change in customer behaviour over time
Geolocalization AVG LTV Geolocalization AVG LTV TEXT sum(clv_exclude_tax)/COUNT_DISTINCT(customer_id) Average LTV per city
Geolocalization Avg Orders per Customer Geolocalization Avg Orders per Customer TEXT sum(orders)/ count_distinct(customer_id) Average LTV value of a user in a city
Monetary Chart Field Monetary Chart Field TEXT case when COUNT_DISTINCT(customer_email) is null then 0 else COUNT_DISTINCT(customer_email) end Field of work
Orders Calc Orders Calc TEXT sum(orders)/if (COUNT(customer_id)=count_distinct(customer_id),1,COUNT(customer_id)) Field of work


# Instructions for configuring the report

To create a report, you must first:


If you don’t have a WitCloud account yet or need information on how to log in, you can find the instructions here (opens new window).

  • After logging in, select the button Smart Data in the left pane.
  • Select Reports from the drop-down list. You will be taken to a section where you can create a new report.
  • To do so, click on the button “Add new report” at the top left, which will take you to a page with a list of available reports. Select the report RFM
  • To create your report, you must have created the necessary Collect and then click on the “Create your own report” button. If you receive the following message, you have not set up the required collectu. You have to create it.

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In the next step, you will be taken to a section where the following fields are required to be completed:
Report name - under this name you will find your report in our platform. After filling in the above fields, click on the Next button image alt text

In the next step, you specify the period for which the historical data should be downloaded. Click on the “create” button to complete the creation of your report.

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# Visualization

To get the visualization of the data in our proposed Data Studio tool, select the button “Link to template” in the Report Draft section, which will take you to the Studio date where you need to enter your login data for Witcloud.

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The first step is to select your project Witcloud.

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After clicking on “Next”, select your report.

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To complete the configuration of the data visualization in the upper right corner, click the “Connect” button and then “Create Report” button. The data for the period you set is loaded into a table in BigQuery, which is updated every hour. Read more about this in the [Autoworkflow] section.

If you want to visualize the collected data in a tool other than Data Studio, you have the option. You can do this with a program of your choice, provided it connects to BigQuery. To do this, select the “Link to table” button in the Draft Report section, which will take you to the table in BigQuery.

Last updated: 2022-08-22T10:31:24.000Z